2018 Wage Negotiations Update

Wage negotiations in the PSCBC resumed on 4 April 2018 and continued on 5 April.

NAPTOSA approached the negotiations with an open mind in the hope that it would result in an agreement in the 2 days set aside for this purpose.

To our dismay, we have to report that progress in the negotiations has been slow and that it is unlikely that the matter will be concluded in time for implementation in April.

It is true that members will not lose out if the negotiations are only concluded later (in the sense that any salary increase will be backdated to 1 April 2018). It is, however, frustrating and most disappointing that, having granted the employer a reprieve due to the changes that have taken place on the political front and in government, the employer has not brought anything to the table to move the negotiations forward.

NAPTOSA, together with the other public service unions, will be seriously assessing, its next course of action. For this purpose a Principals’ meeting of all the unions has been called for Monday morning, 9 April 2018, to be followed by the continuation of the negotiations in the afternoon.

Members will be kept updated as the process unfolds.

Please note that details of the negotiations are not reported on because of the nature of the process where positions constantly change, save to say that Labour’s position, as previously conveyed to members, is still the same.