30 November – 1st December 2013
It was determine at the time that Pawusa had seven (7) organisational Priorities as follows:
- To consider building effective structures of representation and service delivery to members.
- Consider embarking on an organisation and recruitment strategy to reverse the decline in membership in Pawusa.
- Consider placing member representation, benefits and service to members at the heart of the unions work.
- Pawusa to strengthen the collective bargaining capacity of the union to achieve improved wages and conditions for workers.
- Consider building an effective communication strategy and media profile.
This priority has been partially met, still there is risen concerns especially to communicate effectively through report writing that weakens the progress of this organisation.
- Consider supporting the union`s organisational strategy with Education and Training programmes.
This priority should include building the capacity of office bearers and officials to provide leadership and manage the resources of the union. Ensuring a sound understanding of union and alliance policies through political schools and publications. Capacitating shop stewards with quality and advance training to effectively represent members and participate effectively in union and bargaining structures. Familiarising members with policies, services, goals and service delivery standards of the union; and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of union staff through intensive skills training and involvement in the education and training programmes.
This has been partially met in the designing of current and available Training and Education Policy and set training programmes.
The question that arouse is what has happened since the inception of the Training Policy and how do we further bring what has been put in place after the needed assessment. It would therefore be motivated that the commission deal with the short comings and come up with resolutions in bringing the current into effect. It must be understood that whilst dealing with this policy we also addresses bullets 1, 2, and 4.
- Consider developing clear strategy on HIV Aids.
The Brief:
Over the years and at Pawusa Congresses the leadership raised an enormous challenge towards Education and Training. The question that should guide our still existence is how we instil activism in the work that we do. Activism that allows us to see our union’s education work as part of a project to transform the way of thinking between our diverse shop stewards population, and the injustice against those who we represent. This is an overwhelming challenge indeed. The congress adopted a medium turn vision and programmes for Pawusa aimed at building working -class power. It commonly argues that we need to connect all efforts to build our organization in order to strengthen the weaknesses of our shop stewards to represent its members.
- To reflect on the original concept of training in Pawusa
The original concept of training was to train educators and thereafter shop stewards to carry out education on a sustainable basis. In question we have asked ourselves on what the rationale behind the original concept was. In evaluation it is acknowledge that in practice the proposed programme strayed from its original concept. At this juncture it is the right time to ask, what role the leadership play to ensure the development of the original concept.
- Training committee overview
With the guidance and direction the training committee have developed a three-year program to meet these new challenges. Our biggest challenge is to build a strong trade union movement that excels workplace issues, and defence of members in the face of attacks by the employers, and strengthened social protection.
Clearly Pawusa have made progress in many areas and we should not be to critical to ignore the strengths and achievements. We are a revolutionary and transformative trade union that is respected across our alliances and affiliates for its dynamism and unique blend of trade unionism.
These are our strengths. We seek to fortify them as we said that through consistently analysing our strength and weaknesses and seeking to improve our strategies.
Talking about these strengths does not mean we should not openly confront our weaknesses in the trade union. Our task is to at all-time compare ourselves with the best of our traditions and strengths.
- What should be understood by Pawusa and its Learning services?
- Previous presented document by the General Secretary.
20 min
- What does this learning service incorporate and is there room for it?
20 min - Pawusa Education and Development Policy
- Evaluate the Current Policy
- Have we met the required desires that are laid out in the National Training Policy?
- If yes what according to you was met?
- If not what was the expectations and how can we make it work?
- What monitoring and evaluation tools can Pawusa put in place to bring this more effective?
1Hour 20min
- Should the Benefit of financial support to the members or their children be directed to the level of Learning Services or as a benefit?
- How do we see this work?
20 min
Feedback to Plenary: 30 min
In total: 2Hours 30min
Abdul-Hadee Vent